  • By Love Alone: Daily Readings of the 'Little Way' of Love, Trust and Surrender | Books, Bibles & CDs | The Shrine Shop

    By Love Alone: Daily Readings of the 'Little Way' of Love, Trust and Surrender

    Therese of Lisieux is among today's most popular and best-loved saints. Yet she entered a Carmelite convent when she was just 15, and died from tuberculosis in 1897 when she was only 24.

    Her spiritual autobiography, The Story of a Soul, and other writings including letters and poetry, became widely read after Therese's death. Throughout the Christian world, word spread of the 'Little Way' of love that she set out in her writing. In words simple yet profound, she taught 'trust and absolute self-surrender' to God, and showed how holiness lies within the reach of us all.

    By Love Alone offers short extracts from Therese's writings, arranged for daily devotional reading. First published in 1986, this wonderful collection has brought comfort and spiritual guidance to tens of thousands of people around the world.This new edition curated by Fr Luke Penkett, archivist and librarian of the Julian Centre, presents her words anew for a modern generation. The original edition was edited by Fr Michael Hollings, a priest, writer and broadcaster.

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